The special issue of the Journal of Psychology, Health and Medicine (Vol. 22, Number S1, March 2017) features 15 papers commissioned by Know Violence in Childhood. View the complete issue here
The papers are written by leading researchers from diverse disciplines and countries. They address a range of issues that point to the complexity of violence experienced by children across the world – as well as evidence of strategies that are beginning to demonstrate effective ways to prevent violence. They make a strong case for policies and investments that can end violence in childhood. This is necessary to protect the human rights of children and greatly increase their potential to enjoy childhood and enhance their capabilities.
Papers in this special edition are listed below:
- Editorial: Ending violence in childhood: a global imperative
A. K. Shiva Kumar, Vivien Stern, Ramya Subrahmanian, Lorraine Sherr, Patrick Burton, Nancy Guerra, Robert Muggah, Maureen Samms-Vaughan, Charlotte Watts and Soumya Kapoor Mehta - Towards a comprehensive framework for preventing community violence among youth Abt, T. 2017
- Exploring opportunities for coordinated responses to intimate partner violence and child maltreatment in low and middle income countries: a scoping review
Bacchus, L.J., M. Colombini, M.C. Urbina, E. Howarth, F. Gardner, J. Annan and others. 2017 - Violence and alternative care: a rapid review of the evidence Brodie, I. and J. Pearce. 2017
- The prevention of violence in childhood through early childhood parenting programmes: a global review
Coore-Desai, C., J.A. Reece and S. Shakespeare-Pellington. 2017 - School corporal punishment in global perspective: prevalence, outcomes, and efforts at intervention
Gershoff, E. 2017 - Temporal patterns and predictors of bullying roles among adolescents in Vietnam: a school-based cohort study
Le Hai Ha Thi, M.A. Campbell, M.L. Gatton, H.T. Nguyen, M.P. Dunne and Nam T. Tran. 2017 - The frequency and predictors of polyvictimisation of South African children and the role of schools in its prevention
Leoschut L. and K. Kafaar. 2017 - What do we know about preventing school violence? A systematic review of systematic reviews
Lester, S., C. Lawrence and C.L. Ward. 2017 - Understanding social norms and violence in childhood: theoretical underpinnings and strategies for intervention
Lilleston P., L. Goldmann, R.K. Verma and J. McCleary-Sills. 2017 - Disclosure of physical, emotional and sexual child abuse, help-seeking and access to abuse response services in two South African Provinces
Meinck, F., L. Cluver, H. Loening-Voysey, R. Bray, J. Doubt, M. Casale and L. Sherr. 2017 - Bullying in schools: the state of knowledge and effective interventions
Menesini, E. and C. Salmivalli. 2017 - What explains childhood violence? Micro correlates from VACS surveys
Ravi, S. and R. Ahluwalia. 2017 - The impact of humanitarian emergencies on the prevalence of violence against children: an evidence-based ecological framework
Rubenstein, B.L. and L. Stark. 2017 - The impact of polyvictimisation on children in LMICs: the case of Jamaica
Samms-Vaughan, M. and M. Lambert. 2017 - Child violence experiences in institutionalised/orphanage care
Sherr, L., K.J. Roberts and N. Gandhi. 2017
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