Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) is working towards building a healthier India. It is helping to address India's limited institutional and systems capacity in the area of public health – by strengthening education and training, advancing research and technology and facilitating policy and practice. PHFI is headquartered in New Delhi and has a national presence through its four regional Indian Institutes of Public Health (IIPH) and Centres of Applied Research in core public health themes. The Foundation, established in 2006 as a public private initiative, is governed by an independent board comprising senior government officials, eminent Indian and International academics and leaders, civil society representatives and corporate leaders. For more details, visit: www.phfi.org
The University of Delaware (UD) is a flagship state institution located midway between Washington, DC and New York City. With roots that extend to 1743 and designations as a Land Grant, Sea Grant, and Space Grant institution, UD has a rich history of scholarship, research, teaching, and service. The University is a mid-sized institution offering 147 undergraduate programmes, 119 master's programmes, 54 doctoral programmes, and 15 dual graduate programmes through seven colleges and in collaboration with more than 70 research centres. Delaware's student body encompasses more than 17,000 undergraduates and 3,600 graduate students from across the country and around the globe. For more details, visit: www.udel.edu
FXB is an international organization with a 27-year history of breaking the cycle of poverty. Our mission is to provide the poorest of the poor families with the tools and support they need to become self-sufficient and give their children a future. Developed with input from experts at Harvard University, the FXBVillage Model brings the extreme poor to self-sufficiency by tackling the five drivers of poverty eradication: nutrition, health, education, housing and income. In the last 27 years, FXB developed 167 FXBVillages across nine countries: Burundi, China, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, India, Mongolia, Rwanda, Thailand, and Uganda. It has helped more than 83,500 people escape extreme poverty. In May 2015, FXB released an open source FXBVillage Toolkit and Planning Guide, which provides step by step guidance on the FXBVillage Model. For more details, visit: www.fxb.org