Global status report on violence prevention 2014, a worldwide launch by the World Health Organization
BACKThe Global status report on violence prevention 2014 just released by the World Health Organization (WHO) highlights child maltreatment as one of the key forms of violence that needs to be prevented. It provides an assessment of efforts being undertaken by countries to prevent interpersonal violence and also shows that there are important gaps in our knowledge, which are undermining these efforts. The report lays the ground for the development of a concrete action plan for strengthening the role of the health system in addressing violence, in particular against women and children, that will be submitted to the 2016 World Health Assembly.
Know Violence in Childhood is committed to working alongside WHO and its partners to strengthen the evidence on the negative consequences of violence in childhood and to advance action to prevent it.
Baroness Vivien Helen Stern, Global Co-Chair - Know Violence in Childhood and Member – House of Lords, U.K.
"The global status report shows that plans are underway to prevent violence in many countries but also that a great deal more can be done. Much has been said about the devastating social and human consequences of violence. Now we need sustained leadership and funding to win the real battle: stopping violence before it starts. It is time to shift gears and ensure that violence prevention becomes a global priority."
Dr A K Shiva Kumar, Global Co-Chair - Know Violence in Childhood and Director - International Centre for Human Development, India
"Violence is one of the most costly and avoidable problems the world is facing. It compromises investments in education and health, slows economic growth, and drains resources from families, businesses and services. It also prevents millions of adults and children from making the most of their lives. This report demonstrates that violence is not inevitable; we can and must now take action to prevent it."
To read the Global status report on violence prevention 2014, visit:
February 2025

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