"Almost 75% of all children are subjected to violence each year, research finds" - The Guardian |
"A multisectoral approach to childhood development" - The Lancet |
Ending Violence in Childhood: Global Report 2017 by Know Violence in Childhood documents the scale of violence experienced by millions of the world's children in their everyday lives and relationships, in their homes, schools and communities. The Report is a culmination of almost three years of work by academics and practitioners from different disciplines and sectors working together to examine existing data, and commissioning new research on the causes and consequences of childhood violence, as well as the evidence of effective strategies for the prevention of violence.
You can now access the full report and all associated knowledge products (as listed below):
Overview (also available in Arabic, French, Portuguese and Spanish)
Evidence Highlights (eight issue briefs)
Violence in Childhood: Key Facts (available in French and Spanish)
Violence in Childhood: Key Features
Childhood Violence: A Human Development Perspective |
The Consequences and Costs of Violence in Childhood |
The Intersection of Violence against Women and Violence against Children |
Measuring Childhood Violence |
A Composite Violence in Childhood (VIC) Index |
Actions to End Violence in Childhood (available in French and Spanish)
Break the Silence on Childhood Violence, a 4-minute animation to disseminate the key messages emerging from the global report
Special issue of the Journal of Psychology, Health and Medicine, featuring 15 commissioned papers
Additionally, 22 commissioned papers and an annotated bibliography are now available
If you would like to receive a printed copy of our report, please email us your complete postal address no later than October 13, 2017 at smukherjee@knowviolenceinchildhood.org. |
We will be mailing out a limited number of printed reports. |
For complete media coverage of the report, click here.
Share your feedback, comments and more at: info@knowviolenceinchildhood.org
For more information, visit: www.knowviolenceinchildhood.org