Break the Silence on Childhood Violence (2017), a NDTV production for Know Violence in Childhood, animates the key messages emerging from Ending Violence in Childhood: Global Report 2017.
The 4-minute animation film skillfully uses a commonplace "thread" to denote the everyday experience of interpersonal violence by children in their lives and relationships, across homes, schools and communities.
The report makes recommendations for ending childhood violence based on an extensive review and synthesis of global evidence on effective violence-prevention strategies. The starting point for ending violence is to "break the silence".
Flagship Report
Ending Violence in Childhood: Global Report 2017 launched on September 26, 2017, documents the scale of violence experienced by millions of the world’s children in their everyday lives and relationships, in their homes, schools and communities.
Papers and Articles
44 papers were commissioned for the global report Ending Violence in Childhood. Of these, 22 are published on this website. In addition, 15 commissioned papers were published in a special issue of the Journal of Psychology, Health and Medicine.
We are pleased to announce the launch of a special issue of the Journal of Psychology, Health and Medicine, featuring 15 papers commissioned by the Initiative.
Evidence Highlights
These concise briefs provide highlights of the latest evidence in childhood violence undertaken by the Initiative’s researchers and experts and will help formulate strategies to end it.
25 September 2016 marked the first anniversary of the adoption of the SDGs.